Consulting & Fractional
Management Services
for Small to Mid-Market
Fractional Execs On Demand (FEOD) is a consortium
of C-Level executives who specialize in working with
small to mid-market companies, across the full
spectrum of management functions, to improve
performance and results. FEOD services can take
the form of a consulting assignment or a temporary
management assignment.
Core Services
FEOD’s Executive Partner consortium gives clients access to a suite of expertise tailored to address specific business issues. Executive Partners have held senior level management positions in big companies and all Partners have held management positions in small and/or mid-market companies managing departments, projects and people. FEOD Executive Partners deliver big company best practices through the prism of small and mid-market company needs. Solutions are sized appropriately for small and mid-market businesses.
Fractional Management
FEOD Executive Partners can provide additional or replacement management oversight to one or more of a company’s functions; a “fractional” functional senior executive for some period of time (either part-time or full-time). In this type of role, an FEOD Executive Partner assumes a temporary role and ownership decides whether they are seeking change and/or an upgrade to the function or simply management “maintenance” of the function. Executive Partners can add and elevate value in Sales, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Distribution & Information Technology and the second-tier functions of these categories.
Our Approach
…actively and purposefully to what is “said” and “not said” in search of root cause
…with definition of critical path to solution that is digestible for a small or mid-market company
Fractional Execs On Demand
Get In Touch
Start the conversation about Consulting or Fractional Management for your company by completing the form below.